I'm walking away from this module having learned new material and having applied it to my life, it made it this module personal. I learned that different ethnicities are more prone than others to disease and health conditions, I learned as well that cancer is the second leading cause of death in the US. Although they're cool facts, how to cope with stress was my favorite topics to read/research/learn about. On page 52 ,it states American's expierence higher stress annually while all aware that stress is affecting their health.If more people dealth with stress, they'd live a happier healthier life. The two different personality types was the material I enjoyed learning the most, by going here it helped me learn more in depth about the two different personalities. I was able to put myself into one of the catergories, which I was really interesting to me. The two personalities react to stress differenly, which is a direct result of the type of personality traits th...